Ring announcer Kikuchi did full introductions in Japanese, followed by an Egnlish version by a local announcer.
-RH attacked Generico after match 1, prompting a WORLD-1 save. Doi and Gamma had a talk battle, with Doi telling Gamma to "please speak english".
-Stalker introduced himself in English, but met his usual fate.
-Vampiro also was unable to make the show, so Kendo of lucha libre and old Michinoku Pro fame someone found his way into the match. Genki went after Dragon Kid after the match, causing a Dos Caras masked man to save. A thrust kick and Schwein followed, and of course it was CIMA. He also greeted fans.
-After the surprising Triangle Gate defense, Doi attempted to get Gamma back in the ring for a singles match, but after Gamma failed at a sneak attack, he escaped with the rest of RH.
-Doi closed the show, again thanking the fans. They will return to the US again next year.
Thanks to everyone who attended, helping us make this show into a great success.
結構なボリュームになってますんで、時間のある方は日本語に訳してみては? Results of Dragon Gate Friday LA Extreme Night on 9/5 CIMAに関する箇所のみ転記しときます。
After the match, Genki suddenly hit the ring and jumped Kendo. Then a man wearing the Dos Caras mask rushed in to make the save. It was obvious who was under the mask when he nailed a superkick and followed with the Schwein. With Genki laid out, he took off his mask and sure enough it was CIMA. This told me that he was getting closer to being ready to go to return to the ring after being on the shelf for so long with the bad neck. CIMA got on the microphone to give his thanks to everyone for coming and telling them to continue to enjoy the show.