新ブレイブゲート王者誕生!そしてアンチアスに暗雲立ち込める?~3.3 CHAMPION GATE 2018 in OSAKA 2連戦・初日まとめ~ 本日は大阪チャンピオンゲート2連戦の1日目。セミファイナルで行われたのはパンチ富永が神田裕之に挑んだブレイブゲート戦。アンチアスセコンドに囲まれた圧倒的不利な状況の中、パンチ富永が初めてベルトを掴む。 つづきはこちら PR
Kotoka引退試合で紙テープの投げ入れ解禁 本日3.6後楽園ホール大会の全カードが発表され、Kotoka引退試合のカードも明らかになりました。また、その試合のKotoka選手コール時に限り紙テープの投げ入れも解禁となっています。 つづきはこちら
CIMAが3月23日にシンガポール遠征 CIMAが3月23日にシンガポールで行われるSPWへの参戦を発表しました。International Tag Team Match AMK w/ Sayn RH v Cima and Shun Skywalker The former Southeast Asian tag team champions are very upset over their title loss, but are also relishing the thought of pitting their skills against Dragon Gate legend Cima and rising star Shun Skywalker. On paper, this match features four world class technicians, but by left, we all know Sayn RH will not be idle at ringside. The brilliant but villain manager will surely be aiming to apply the Chain Effect on the Japanese stars on some point, as he has mastered how to trick Referee Sodiq already. Needless to say, this match will have major implications for the winning duo- Cima has unsuccessfully tried a few times for the Southeast Asian singles Championship, now he has shifted his sights to help Dragon Gate in eventually claiming our regional gold! Drop us a PM to get Tickets! SPWさん(@sgprowrestling)がシェアした投稿 - 2月 22, 2018 at 9:54午後 PST つづきはこちら