
ドラゲーライヴ Vol.1





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シンガポール遠征に横須賀ススム、ビッグR清水、Ben-Kも参戦 他




Ace Battle Trexxus v Susumu Yokosuka It has been quite a sad time for Trexxus, but knowing Trexxus, he does not want you to be sad for him! The former Southeast Asian singles titleholder wants to show that he can beat another top Japan star in Susumu Yokosuka, a longstanding feature of Dragon Gate. After going off his rocker at Repentless, Trexxus' vicious showing was unfortunately not enough to hold on to the title. But do bear in mind, before he became vicious, he already managed to beat Masahiro Takanashi, DDT's former Openweight and Tag Champion. Apart from Cima, Susumu Yokosuka is synonymous with the passionate and pacy action of Dragon Gate, and is one of their most successful of all time. Winning tag leagues in the summer as well as winning all there is to win in his promotion, he is practically what Trexxus could grow old into. Except this is the present, and now Trexxus is vicious and may not show the same restraint that he did against Masa last time. Will Vicious Trexxus destroy a Japanese legend in front of us on March 23?

SPWさん(@sgprowrestling)がシェアした投稿 -

Strong and Crazy Ben K v The Statement After The Statement added Rene Dupree to the list of legendary characters that he has put away, he now turns his sights onto one of Dragon Gate's shining sparks for the future. Ben K, which translates to powerful person, is an exciting young man who is relatively new to the business but has won over many fans already due to his mad demeanour and strong ways, which shows that crazy supermen are generally popular in wrestling. In Singapore, we have the honour of having a crazy superman leading the modern generation of Singapore grapplers. The Statement is also known for being very strong and is also very entertaining when he goes mad. In match that will surely please fans of all ages, expect hard hitting psycho behaviour where The Statement plays gatekeeper for a change against a man who will lead the Japan of tomorrow!

SPWさん(@sgprowrestling)がシェアした投稿 -

「WrestlingCity Asia presents Triple Thrill Series
 Part 1: SPW v Dragon Gate - 23 March 2018」(SPW)


「【ドラゴンゲート】ドリーム王者望月 “鉄人返上”危機」(東スポWeb)

「Kzy変貌 肉体改造で鮮やかイメチェン」(中日スポーツ)


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