ドラゴンゲート: "7.27(現地時間)ヨーロッパ遠征 最終日 試合結果情報" http://t.co/xcwHePSJHm
— ドラゴンゲートブログ更新通知bot (@DGblogupdatebot) 2014, 7月 28
ハイパージャパン、1試合目終了。午後3時からもう1試合。 #dragongate #DGUK #ハイパージャパン pic.twitter.com/ni4ucUo85R
— YAMATO (@yamato_oldtype) 2014, 7月 27
ハイパージャパン、後半戦も終了。 長い1日が終わったぜ! ヒーヒッヒ #dragongate #DGUK #ハイパージャパン pic.twitter.com/A9zsI9AKUH
— YAMATO (@yamato_oldtype) 2014, 7月 27
liverwwe's video http://t.co/Jt8zjE5h8M @WillOspreay taking to the air @DragonGateUK vs @GottaGetSwann @UhaaNation & @LionKidUK
— Indy Corner Podcast (@TheIndyCorner) 2014, 7月 26
@GottaGetSwann finały arive to @DragonGateUK pic.twitter.com/7g65WGSxHf
— Tomasz Cherek (@Maxi4PL) 2014, 7月 26
BxB Hulk pinned Masato Yoshino with First Flash in 12:23. Solid, not a lot more @DragonGateUK
— Daniel Richardson (@gadget80) 2014, 7月 26
@dragongatecima being put in a painful position by Doi @DragonGateUK pic.twitter.com/iYZkyVsGPJ
— Andy Wan (@andywan79) 2014, 7月 26
A triangle choke sees @Mark_Haskins ELIMINATE @MartyScurll from @DragonGateUK via referee stoppage in 13:52. Intense stuff. Really liked it.
— Daniel Richardson (@gadget80) 2014, 7月 26
Bye bye @MartyScurll @DragonGateUK pic.twitter.com/o9yhI7UvoO
— Andy Wan (@andywan79) 2014, 7月 26
He did it again! @yamato_oldtype pinned Jimmy Susumu with Gallaria in 20:27 @DragonGateUK
— Daniel Richardson (@gadget80) 2014, 7月 26
DGUK2日目終了。今からホテル帰って、明日は何時起きだろう(-。-; pic.twitter.com/KqXv5IKQ3i
— YAMATO (@yamato_oldtype) 2014, 7月 26
Arm capture German Suplex sees @TozawaAkira pin @KingRicochet in probably the match of this @DragonGateUK weekend. Some really crazy stuff.
— Daniel Richardson (@gadget80) 2014, 7月 26
@DragonGateUK so what was everyone's favourite match of the weekend? Think mine was @TozawaAkira vs @KingRicochet pic.twitter.com/uSZVuit4Pz
— Craig Nixon (@CraigNixonHG) 2014, 7月 27
Epic night @DragonGateUK @KingRicochet @MartyScurll loved every minute! pic.twitter.com/TGLEcHi2CM
— lindsey austrin (@wezie) 2014, 7月 26
Another great weekend of @DragonGateUK, thank you Monster Express @KingRicochet @TozawaAkira @UhaaNation pic.twitter.com/NsHGS6hlsZ
— Max Todd (@MaxxV1) 2014, 7月 26
In ring selfie can you tell how excited I am!?! kingricochet @tozawaakira http://t.co/5A9vzYteJt
— One Man Nation (@UhaaNation) 2014, 7月 26
.@TozawaAkira vs @WillOspreay #DGUKX @DragonGateUK pic.twitter.com/mYvt6Etjzo
— Indy Corner Podcast (@TheIndyCorner) 2014, 7月 25
Four of Dragon Gate's best at @DragonGateUK. #CIMA #JimmySusumu #MasatoYoshino #NarukiDoi pic.twitter.com/19lX24Coxb
— Martin Bentley (@themib) 2014, 7月 25
Awesome tag match @DragonGateUK @dragongatecima pic.twitter.com/MypNRAs16W
— Andy Wan (@andywan79) 2014, 7月 25
#DragonGate UK Great match with CIMA & Yokosuka vs. Doi & Yoshino. Here's Doi about to help his… http://t.co/CiK9dWVtXP
— Jeremy Graves (@JeremyG__) 2014, 7月 25
Ongoing main event pic @DragonGateUK #DGUK @KingRicochet & @MartyScurll pic.twitter.com/2QSHhWPILB
— Indy Corner Podcast (@TheIndyCorner) 2014, 7月 25
Great match and a great event tonight. Thank you all! @DragonGateUK @TozawaAkira @UhaaNation @KingRicochet pic.twitter.com/qBL3GhFOU4
— Andy Wan (@andywan79) 2014, 7月 25
Now that's what I call best friends @KingRicochet @DragonGateUK @UhaaNation @TozawaAkira pic.twitter.com/w2QzHJCN90
— Neil Clark (@nc_extreme) 2014, 7月 25
@AirCanada as far as I'm concerned you guys are the worst. Because you can't keep your plains up my flight was cancelled. Lost $ thanks guys
— Richard Swann (@GottaGetSwann) 2014, 7月 25
First Half Main Event - Dream Tag Match - Speed Muscle (Doi & Yoshino) vs CIMA & Yokosuka. Huge HUGE match up!!! pic.twitter.com/VsQjNoOK5n
— Dragon Gate UK (@DragonGateUK) 2014, 7月 21
Semi Main Event - @yamato_oldtype faces off against BxB Hulk in a rematch from Yesterday's PPV main event. Seriously! pic.twitter.com/g3OVVY26fg
— Dragon Gate UK (@DragonGateUK) 2014, 7月 21
July 25th and 26th, @DragonGateUK returns to Broxbourne! Two huge nights including this amazing match! pic.twitter.com/HNIaz7bj0d
— Chris Roberts (@HotBoxRoberts) 2014, 7月 7
Last two Saturday Matches Announced. BxB Hulk vs Yoshino pic.twitter.com/72dsMqPTLk
— Dragon Gate UK (@DragonGateUK) 2014, 7月 21
Match 4 Naruki Doi vs Susumu Yokosuka in their first meeting on UK soil - Earls Court, Sunday July 27th at 3pm pic.twitter.com/Nhu0wDl7Ya
— Dragon Gate UK (@DragonGateUK) 2014, 7月 14
Match 3 - @lionkiduk vs @yamato_oldtype in a first time ever singles match up - Earls Court, Sunday July 27th at 3pm pic.twitter.com/0QweQ7Ers1
— Dragon Gate UK (@DragonGateUK) 2014, 7月 14
Line-up for #FAN2014 feat. DRAGON GATE - 27.7. Oberhausen pic.twitter.com/GBFuRAABLK
— wXw Germany (@wXwGermany) 2014, 7月 22
[週末情報]あす11/2(土)よる7:30から[DRAGON GATE 無限大~infinity~ #313 10.26神戸サンボーホール]をお届け! http://t.co/xb3ZN49n85 #dragongate #prowrestling #gaora
— GAORA プロレス/格闘技 (@gaora_fight) November 1, 2013